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Wie kann ich MX-Eintrag erstellen?
Die eingehende E-Mail einer Domänen-' an einen bestimmten Server umleiten. Verwenden Sie diese Funktion zum Erstellen eines Backup-Mail-Exchangers für die Bearbeitung von E-Mail-Nachrichten, wenn Ihr Server ausfällt.
Warnung: Wenn Sie hier die falsche Einstellung wählen, kann Ihr Server möglicherweise keine E-Mails mehr empfangen. Wenn Sie unsicher sind, welche Einstellung Sie auswählen sollten, wenden Sie sich an den Systemadministrator.Um ein MX-Eintrag zu erstellen:
1.Melden Sie sich im Control-Panel an. Der Link dazu ist folgenderadresse:
2. Klicken Sie in unter dem "EMail" Bereich den Punkt " MX-Eintrag ".
3.Warnung: Wenn Sie hier die falsche Einstellung wählen, kann Ihr Server möglicherweise keine E-Mails mehr empfangen. Wenn Sie unsicher sind, welche Einstellung Sie auswählen sollten, wenden Sie sich an den Systemadministrator.
This interface allows you to route a domain's incoming mail to a specific server. Changes that you make to a domain's MX (Mail Exchanger) entry also result in changes to the DNS records.
This interface is useful, for example, if you wish to create a backup mail exchanger to handle mail when the server is down.
Configure Email Routing
To determine how your server routes mail for a domain, perform the following steps:
- Select the desired domain from the menu.
- Select one of the following options under Email Routing:
- Automatically Detect Configuration — The server uses the current MX record or records for the domain to select the appropriate configuration from the list below.
Local Mail Exchanger — The domain accepts mail even if an MX record with higher priority exists. The server routes mail to both domains when this happens.
Note:Choose this option if your server uses smart hosts or another gateway service to filter mail.
Backup Mail Exchanger — The domain acts as a backup mail exchanger and holds mail in the queue if the primary exchanger is offline.
Note:Configure the primary MX entry to point to the appropriate exchanger.
Remote Mail Exchanger — The domain does not accept mail. Instead, it sends it to the primary mail exchanger.
Note:Configure the primary MX entry to point to the appropriate exchanger.
- Click Change.
Add a new MX entry
To add a new MX entry to the domain, perform the following steps:
Under the Add a New Record section, enter the priority of the new MX entry in the Priority text box.
- Lower values denote higher priority. The highest priority is
. - The primary mail server or servers (those with the lowest priority values) receives mail that is sent to your domain.
- Backup, or secondary, mail servers (those with higher priority values) are for backup or other purposes.
- If you assign the same priority value to multiple mail servers (and needs this level of mail server) the system distributes mail to those servers randomly.
- Lower values denote higher priority. The highest priority is
In the Destination text box, enter the hostname of the new mail exchanger.
You must specify a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). You cannot specify an IP address here.
- Click Add New Record.
Delete an MX entry
To delete an MX entry, perform the following:
- Click Delete next to the appropriate MX entry in the MX Records list.
- Click Delete to confirm.
Edit an MX entry
To edit an MX entry, perform the following:
- Click Edit next to the appropriate MX entry in the MX Records list.
- Change the Priority or Destination as desired.
- Click Edit to confirm.