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Fixing rndc error in WHM/cPanel: rnd: connection failed: connection refused

ixing rndc error in WHM/cPanel (ndc: connection failed: connection refused)

It is quite a common occurence in cPanel to receive such an error as rndc:

connect failed: connection refused

To get your name servers working, you will need to eliminate this error, it
is quite a simple fix and can be completed in a few minutes via the
standard cPanel /scripts

1. Login to your server as root via SSH
2. Run: /scripts/updatenow
3. Run: /scripts/fixndc

This will fix your problems some of the time, but if it does not, do the
following steps:

1. Login to your server as root via SSH
2. Run: vi /etc/rndc.conf (or vi /etc/namedb/rndc.conf on FreeBSD)
replace all instances of “rndc-key” with “rndckey”
3. Run: vi /etc/named.conf (or vi /etc/namedb/named.conf on FreeBSD)
replace all instances of “rndc-key” with “rndckey”
4. Run: /scripts/fixnamed
5. Run: /scripts/fixndc
6. If you received an error in the last step, run /scripts/fixndc another
7. Restart named (on RH this is service named restart)

If you are still having issues, try checking out the cpanel forums, or
contact cpanel support for more help.